Sunday, March 7, 2010

Latin American Art

Art is a very subjective persuit, what one person believes to be beautiful another may not. Latin American Art like all other forms of art, comes to us in many styles. From abstract art to surrealistic art, cube art and yes, Realism. For centuries realism art was "thee style" of painting and not until the not too distant past has it taken more of a back seat to the other styles. To get an idea of how beautiful realistic Latin American Art can be, painted by Mexican Artist Rodolfo Escalera, visit our web site at

There is skill, creativity, passion and beauty to be found in all styles of Latino Art. Having been raised by Rodolfo Escalera and being a first hand witness of the endless hours and commitment he poured into his works, painting the majority of his pieces with "00" paintbrushes and some taking up to 20 years to complete, I can attest to that passion.

I salute all artists and their desire to create. Rodolfo Escalera created until he could no longer hold his brush in his hand.

1) What are your thoughts on Realism?
2) Who is your favorite Latin American Artist and why?
3) What type of art speaks to you?


  1. Nice post and image. Where can I see more of the artists work?

  2. 1) What are your thoughts on Realism? Realism to me portrays raw talent. To capture a subject with such distinct detail, highlighting both beauty and flaws is amazing to me.
    2) Who is your favorite Latin American Artist and why? Rodolfo Escalera, every aspect of each piece meant something. He put as much care and detail in painting a small fly as he did in painting a huge beautiful bird.
    3) What type of art speaks to you? Realism by far. (See my answer to question 1)

  3. I cannot believe it!! I have only just started my own art blog and now have found you here. This is amazing, now I have to wonder is ther more peoples out there who love the art too? Where are you finding these paintings? They are fantastic! Very real and passionate, much use of color. This is the type of work I want to talk about on my blog. With your permission may I direct my readers to you? I am excited to find such happy paintings. Ones that say something and not, as you say, throw paint...HA! I have been thinking along the way, why do people pay so much for so little when great works are out there still unfound? I would say if one of these paintings found its way to the art world it would bring millions! I will be back and talking to you again soon...
    Ciao TART
