Tuesday, April 13, 2010


A question that simply jumps out at me is "what type of art speaks to you"? Art is so diverse and such a personal indulgence I am sure there are as many answers to that question as there are art enthusiasts. Personally, having grown up around an artist who painted life as he saw it and who's mantra was "if I could paint the fragrance of the rose into my painting I would", I lean towards realism. To be able to paint in such a way that accurately mimics life to me is the height of artistic talent and achievement. Clearly the majority within the art community does not subscribe to that ideology as witnessed by the prices that a Picasso, a Botero or a Pollack would fetch. I just cant help to sit back and scratch my head in wonder.

Now let me clarify. I am not an educated art connoisseur, I have never taken an art course on art appreciation, I simply know what I like and can see and understand the brilliance of the realist artist who correctly displays life on canvas as opposed to "throwing paint" or creating something that my 4 year old granddaughter could do. I am floored when I review what art sells for at Christys and Sothebys and when a piece sells for over $40 million depicting $1 dollar bills... well, let's just say "I don't get it" ... someone, anyone, educate me... I'm all ears.